2019 22th Plastimagen Mexico
- Hall B, Booth No : 2124
- Banamex Center
In its 22nd edition, PLASTIMAGEN® MÉXICO represents Latin America’s plastics sector’s most important forum for the exchange of ideas, networking, displaying the latest in technology/machinery, and exhibiting products and services that are aimed at ever more industries.
In Mexico, there are 4,580* companies in the plastics and resin production industry, of which 4% are classifed as large companies, 12% as medium-sized companies, 24% small companies, and 60% as micro enterprises.
科基公司創始於1980年元月九日 當時由從事塑膠成型工作的專業經理人及資深工程師共5人,有鑑於當年絕大部分之塑膠成型工廠,尚未將模具溫度的控制及塑料含水之處理視為塑膠製品成型過程之必要條件,故而啟發本公司之創業同仁們,深感該系列產品必將成為相關產業不可或缺之設備,因而決心設廠研發及生產。